Solution to the Fredholm Integral Equation in Geophysical Inversion by Walsh Function 地球物理反演中积分方程的沃尔什函数解法
Solution to Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind by Using Legendre Multi-wavelets 第一类Fredholm积分方程的Legendre多小波解法
Both problems of rigid and compressible pile are reduced to a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and is solved by numerical method. 这些桩的分析问题归结为一Fredholm第一种积分方程并用数值法求解。
Solution of the Fredholm integral equation using expansion of operator 用算子展开法求解Fredholm积分方程
Then the dual integral equation of vertical vibration of a rigid body on viscoelastic layered half space was established according to the mixed boundary valued condition. This dual integral equation was reduced to Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. 然后按弹性力学混合边值问题建立层状粘弹性地基上刚体垂直振动的对偶积分方程,并化为第二类Fredholm积分方程。
The paper uses wavelet compression algorithm to realize the compression and order-reducing solution of large-scale Fredholm integral equation. 本文采用小波压缩算法实现了大型弗雷德霍姆积分方程的压缩与降阶求解。
To calculate the brightness temperature distribution from the measured antenna temperature, a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind must be solved. 为能求得真实的目标物体亮温,从测得的天线温度数据或天线温度分布函数中反演出装甲目标的亮温分布,需解第一类Fredholm积分方程。
To obtain the stable solutions of the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, the smooth method with p smooth factors is used. 为了得到第一类Fredholm积分方程稳定的数值解,对p个不同的光滑因子,分别利用光滑化方法求解,可得到p组带有光滑因子的稳定解。
A solution to the first kind of Fredholm integral equation is developed for step functions by means of Walsh function. The electromagnetic inverse scattering problem governed by the first kind of Fredholm integral equation is an ill-posed problem. 在地球物理反演中,通常归结为阶梯函数的第一类Fredholm积分方程,文中给出了该积分方程的沃尔什函数解法。由第一类Fredholm积分方程所描述的电磁逆散射问题是非适定问题。
The paper demonstrates that using rationalized Haar wavelet for solving linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. 为了解第二类Fredholm积分方程,建立了一种使用有理化Haar小波解第二类Fredholm积分方程的算法。
In this paper, a stability algorithm for solving the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind with piecewise smooth solution is proposed. 本文在解分段光滑的前提下,运用正则化原理,在有限维空间上给出了求解第一类Fredholm积分方程的算法。
The solving of problem is transformed to solving the first kind Fredholm integral equation. The Tikhonov regularization method is used to solve the ill-posed integral equation problem. Based on the conditional stability, a stabilized algorithm is presented. 该问题可转化为第一类Fredholm积分方程的求解,为了克服该问题数值求解的不适定性,采用Tikhonov正则化策略进行求解,并基于条件稳定性进行了算法设计。
In this paper, we apply multi-grid method to integral equation and establish a multi-grid algorithm of Fredholm integral equation. The wire antennas are analyzed and studied by using the multi-grid algorithm of Fredholm integral equation. 本文将多重网格方法应用于积分方程,建立了Fredholm积分方程的多重网格解法,并将其应用于线天线的分析研究,对不同长度的线天线进行了数值分析,得到了较好的结果。
The general Fredholm integral equation of the first kind with logarithmic kernel in 2 dimensions does not always have unique solution, especially for the unbounded problem, it depends on the asymptotic behaviour at infinity. 对二维问题,一般的带对数积分核第一类Fredholm积分方程并不总是唯一可解的,特别是对外边值问题,解在无穷远处的形态有很大的影响。
To get so-called C-best-approximate solutin on a certain constrained set C, we employ the constrained regularization method to solve Fredholm integral equation of the first kind with nonnegative constraints. 为得到所谓的带约束的反问题在特定约束集C上的最优解,我们采用约束正则化方法解决非负约束情况下的第一类Fredholm积分方程。
On the Regularization Method of the First Kind Fredholm Integral Equation With a Complex Kernel and its Application 带复数核的第一类Fredholm积分方程的正则化方法及其应用
The ill posed problem can be converted into the first Fredholm integral equation; and an algorithm of inversion is given using the Tikhonov's regularization method. 把此反问题转化为第一类Fredholm积分方程,并利用Tikhonov正则化方法给出了一种反演算法。
Asymptotic error expansion and extrapolation for discrete collocation method of Fredholm integral equation Fredholm积分方程离散配置法的渐近展开及外推
The approximate solution for the transmitted and reflected waves wave at the vertical wall of the step is obtained by using the methods of the matched-asymptotic expansion and the Green function and some mathematical tech technique such as the conformal mapping theory and the singular Fredholm integral equation theory. 通过匹配渐近展开和格林函数的方法,借助保角交换和求解奇异Fredholm积分方程的技巧,获得了两层流体系统中弱非线性内波在台阶直壁处反射和透射的近似解。
Utilizing the Green function of harmonic horizontal circular load in the interior of half-space saturated soil and compatibility condition between pile and soil, the second kind of Fredholm integral equation is established. 利用半空间饱和土在水平简谐圆形载荷作用下的格林函数和桩-土变形协调条件,建立了桩-土共同作用的第二类Fredholm积分方程。
The Fredholm integral equation of the second kind is established in the Laplace transform domain in order to obtain the consolidation displacement of the elastic plate. Laplace transform solutions are converted to time domain solutions by numerical methods. The numerical results useful to engineering practice are given. 在Laplace变换域上建立了求解弹性圆板固结位移的第二类Fredholm积分方程,由数值反变换获得时域解,给出了对工程实践有参考价值的计算结果。
The method for solving the system of Volterra-Fredholm integral equation Volterra-Fredholm型积分方程组的求解方法
The method using bivariate wavelet function to solve the first class bivariate Fredholm integral equation is researched. 并研究了用二维小波函数求解第一类二维Fredholm积分方程的方法。
A Stable Method for Calculating Fredholm Integral Equation of First Kind 稳定求解第一类Fredholm积分方程的一个方法
The character of the solution depends on the known function of integral equation, as to the Type ⅰ Fredholm integral equation with logarithm function singular integral kernel. 对于具有对数函数弱奇异性积分核的Fredholm型I类积分方程,解的性质主要取决于方程中已知函数的形式。
There are a lot of ill-posed problems in physics, biology, medicine, geology and engineering technology. For example, parameter identification problems, nonlinear ill-posed Hammerstein integral equation, the solution for the first kind of Fredholm integral equation and so on. 在物理、生物、医学、地质和工程技术领域都存在着大量的不适定问题,比如参数识别问题、非线性不适定Hammerstein积分方程以及求解第一类Fredholm积分方程等。
Fixed solution problems of ordinary differential equations and the partial differential equations can be turned into the equivalent integral equations, numerical methods of inverse problem for partial differential equations, often derived Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. 而常微分方程与偏微分方程的定解问题也可以化为等价的积分方程,解偏微分方程反问题的数值方法,也常常导出第一类Fredholm方程。
Inverse problems exist in various fields, in geophysics, digital image processing, life sciences, material sciences, remote sensing technology and many other fields, many of the inverse problem can be come down to the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. 反问题广泛存在于各学科领域之中,在地球物理、数字图像处理、生命科学、材料科学、遥感技术等众多领域中,许多反问题可归结为第一类Fredholm积分方程。
By converting it to a Fredholm integral equation, numerical results of the natural frequencies for free vibration are obtained for simply-supported beams with symmetrically-distributed material properties. 然后将它们转化为对应的Fredholm积分方程,得到了材料性质对称分布的简支梁弯曲振动的自然频率。
In total light scattering particle sizing technique, the particle size distribution can be obtained by the measurements of light extinction data at multiwavelengths. The data processing of this technique is actually the solution of Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. 光全散射颗粒粒径的测量方法是通过测量多个波长下的消光值来获得待测颗粒系的粒径分布,在这种测量方法的数据处理中都会遇到第一类Fredholm积分方程的求解问题。